Laganas Bay, Zante, GR
Stefania Kontinou, Alexandra Zachariadi

The masterplan outlines a cohesive and realistic strategy for the reorganisation and management of Zante’s National Marine Park (NMPZ).
Based on a thorough understanding of the park’s carrying capacity, regarding visitors and activities, the strategy defines a set of modifications and adaptations to the provisions of the existing legal framework. The proposed contents of a new Government Gazette (Gr. ΦΕΚ) aim to ensure the protection of areas of natural and cultural heritage, as well as several endangered species of animals like the Caretta caretta sea turtle and the Mediterranean Monk Seal, birds, amphibians and flora. The proposed new framework will encourage the development of sustainable tourism and educational activities all through a feasible monitoring and surveillance programme.
Six coastal locations in Marathonissi, Keri, Aghios Sostis, Laganas, Kalamaki and Vassilikos are anticipated to become the Marine Park’s focal points, catering for multiple sustainable activities -sightseeing, awareness activities, marine excursions etc.- while safeguarding the conservation of the natural environment of the NMPZ.

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