Kaiafas, Elis, GR
Marios Horsch, Fotis Ioannis Panagopoulos
Kaiafas’ Springs, constitute not only an important tourist destination due to the combination of forest, lake, sea and thermal baths, but also an area of considerable historic, ecological and geological importance.
The two springs named after the mythological Anigrides and Atlantides nymphs, are renowned since antiquity and mentioned in Strabo’s and Pausanias’ writings. The springs’ tourism infrastructure -the hydrotherapy centre, two hotels and their amenities- operate since 1907 following the connection to the Peloponnese railway network. Due to its significant ecological characteristics, the area is listed in the Natura 2000 Network and is under the protection of the Ramsar International Convention.
The research began with a tri-scalar mapping investigation of the area and the recording of the area’s morphological layering: the beach, the forest, the lake, the islet.
Inhabiting Nature